Have you visited our forum page ?

 Have you visited our Forum page ? 

Hints tips and build blogs, jokes videos and club discussions Wanted and For Sale adds . well worth a visit  at ; http://forum.medwaymfc.org.uk/

To post on the forum  you will have to register with Alistair .This is to avoid spammers getting onto the site 

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas

 Hi everyone . I hope you all had a happy Christmas as best you could 

The NewYears Day fly-in wont be happening due to the Covid restriction.

I hope you all have a happy , Heal;thy and safe new year.

and we can soon all meet up for a fly and a chat.


Tier 4 Lock-down Field Closed

Tier 4 Lockdown 

As per title we are now into a tier 4 lockdown . This will prohibit any flying at our field as it only permits meeting one other person in a public space . The rules also say "Behave as if you have Covid and stay indoors " with a few exceptions. flying our models are not included in the exceptions .

So until advised to the contrary the field will be closed .

Stay well and keep safe .

Bottom gate left unlocked AGIAN.

 Bottom gate found unlocked AGAIN .

Yesterday Sat 12th December

Please make sure you lock BOTH gates if you are the last one out .

Its very  simple  for whoever is having difficulty understanding whats needed follow the picture guide as follows ;

This is an unlocked gate . This what you do when you arrive so that you can get into the field  .You will notice that padlock is un-done  with the key provided and the gates can be opened . 

Here  below you will see that the Padlock is locked and that the gates are closed and locked .This is what you are required to do  when you are the last one to leave the field .

All of the above is silly and un-necessary ? yes I agree so whoever it is leaving the gates unlocked 
start locking them . 

The field is too muddy for cars ....Even yours

 Hi all . As per tittle the field is no to muddy for cars to drive on . 

Please park on the track near the gate .

If you get your car stuck there is no help, your on your own and then you will have to repair the damaged grass .


your Committee