AGM 2021 and Stuff

 As all MMFC members hould be aware the AGM was held last Wednesday at the Walnut tree Club Gillingham . The meeting was not as well attended as AGM's usually are but we decided to go ahead anyway as we missed last years AGM altogether . No changes to the committee ,they had another year added to their sentence ! No change to annual subs they remain the same at £61 a year . A few things were discussed and will be forwarded to members in an email by our sectretary Ade later . Subs can now be paid for 2022 . Please use the bank transfer where possible . so Subs and BMFA membership will cost £101 a year (BMFA went up by £2 ) . If you need to know bank transfer details or arrange alternative type of payment then please contact me by email or see me at the field . Subs can be paid to me in cash or by cheque as a last resort . as Usual pleasearrange your own CAA either through the BMFA or direct with the CAA.

For those that havent already done so , please take time to look at and take the RCC (registration competency Certificate ) that can be found on the BMFA website or online .

Also PLEASE NOTE . The december club meeting will be an ordinary club meeting (No buffet etc) and will be held on Wednesday 15th December usual time

Reminder about Dodgy cheap servos on sale on line .

 Hi all . As per title , it a reminder for older members and a warning for newer flyers NOT to buy any dodgy cheap servos sold on line on well known auction site .  If the price looks too good to be true it will be . A fellow club mate who has just come back to model flying after some years off fell foul of these dangerous servos and it cost him his model !

They are often sold as Futaba or  Tower Pro but there are copies of other makes out there. The priceis a giveaway . £10 for 4 posted !  You will losea model if you use these or could injure yourself or someone else .

The actual servos at a glance look like Futaba or TowerPro but on closer inspection  have hard shiny cheap plastic cases with very poor detail like CE marks and "Made in Tiawan " very badly molded. The sticker are often on crooked . Internals are rubbish and apart from crashng your model could catch fire .