As per title . Medway MFC ae having indoor flying sessions at Medway Park Lesure Centre starting on Sunday November 20th.
Flying is from 10 am to 2 pm
Following dates are
Sunday 18th December /22
Sunday 15th January /23
Sunday 26 February /23
Entry to fly costs £10 and £1 to spectate. This includes car parking .
but enter you registration number in to the machine in the Entrance lobby of the center All profits go to our club Charity the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Trust
We will have a raffle and tickets are £1 a strip of 5 and a free bring and buy table. Free to enter an item and if you sell it a donation to the Air ambulance will be greatly appreciated.
We are aware that cost have all risen as has the rent for the venue. We have reduced the flying time to four hours to keep costs down as last year we struggled to make the rent, but four hours is still good value for a decent sized hall
Please come along and help us support the Air Ambulance. It will be good to see the regular flyers and hopefully some new faces