Medway Model Flying Club (MMFC) is a model flying club, based in Kent, for enthusiasts of building and flying radio control, free flight and control line models. Established 1974 we have a flying field near Iwade at Stickfast Lane. Please note: Solar Farm Is a NO-FLY Zone Do not overfly this area - Thank you
MMFC Subs 2022
AGM 2021 and Stuff
As all MMFC members hould be aware the AGM was held last Wednesday at the Walnut tree Club Gillingham . The meeting was not as well attended as AGM's usually are but we decided to go ahead anyway as we missed last years AGM altogether . No changes to the committee ,they had another year added to their sentence ! No change to annual subs they remain the same at £61 a year . A few things were discussed and will be forwarded to members in an email by our sectretary Ade later . Subs can now be paid for 2022 . Please use the bank transfer where possible . so Subs and BMFA membership will cost £101 a year (BMFA went up by £2 ) . If you need to know bank transfer details or arrange alternative type of payment then please contact me by email or see me at the field . Subs can be paid to me in cash or by cheque as a last resort . as Usual pleasearrange your own CAA either through the BMFA or direct with the CAA.
Reminder about Dodgy cheap servos on sale on line .
Hi all . As per title , it a reminder for older members and a warning for newer flyers NOT to buy any dodgy cheap servos sold on line on well known auction site . If the price looks too good to be true it will be . A fellow club mate who has just come back to model flying after some years off fell foul of these dangerous servos and it cost him his model !
They are often sold as Futaba or Tower Pro but there are copies of other makes out there. The priceis a giveaway . £10 for 4 posted ! You will losea model if you use these or could injure yourself or someone else .
The actual servos at a glance look like Futaba or TowerPro but on closer inspection have hard shiny cheap plastic cases with very poor detail like CE marks and "Made in Tiawan " very badly molded. The sticker are often on crooked . Internals are rubbish and apart from crashng your model could catch fire .
Complaints at club meeting And AGM Notice Wednesday 24th November
Hi all . I dont like to do our dirty washing in public but I feel I have no choice this time as the culprit needs to know we are after them .
At last nights meeting I had a couple of complaints re the field facilities !!!
Individual Christmas cakes . Proceeds to macmillan Nurses and Air Ambulance
Hi all. As some of you know my wife Jane makes individual Christmas cakes and each year she does a different design. last year was supposed to be the last year as it has taken over our kitchen and part of the house some years. Due to quite a few requests she has decided to make some for this year .
Pic below .
They cost £4 each and all the profits will be shared beteen the macmilan Nurses and the Air Ambulance .
If interested then please contact me asap so she has idea of numbers and designs wanted.
Phil Fearn
Flying show this weekend September 17th to19th
Hi all . Just had a phone call from Dave at Barton Point MFC. They are having a fly-in this weekend with some of the show circuit flyers doing their stuff.
Obituary : Dave Ellsmore ( Smokey Dave ) gone flying forever.
Just had a call from Rob Stuart that Dave Ellsmore ( Smokey Dave ) passed away suddenly early this morning .Dave was a member of Bartons Point and was a member our club for a couple of years some time ago . He was always at our swapmeets etc .I dont ahve any funeral details yet but will put them on here as and when I get them
Indoor Flying this autmn and winter 2021 to 2022
We have now had confirmation of our bookings for indoor flying at Meadow Park ( Black Lion) this comming autumn/winter.
Prices have been increased unfortunately so we have had to pass this on as the events are run to raise funds for the Air Ambulance charity and not for profit.
Flying session will now cost £10 for the 5 hours
BMFA cover MUST be shown if not an MMFC member
Viewing only £ 1.00
Parking is included but please read below .
PARKING . Dont pay at the parking machines as you Wont get a refund . Instead register your cars registration number at reception for free /included parking.
Still a bargain as other indoor venues cost similar for 3 hours
The dates are as follows :-
Sunday October 17th 2021
SundayNovember 21st 2021
Sunday January 23rd 2022
Sunday February 13th 2022
Sunday March 20th 2022
Sunday April 24th 2022
Sessions run from 10 am to 3 pm
We hope to have a raffle and there will be a free bring and buy table ( if you sell any item then please put a small donation into the Air Ambulance box) .
Please come along and help us support the Air Ambulance and have a good flying session .
As always be Covid sensible .
See you there .
Jim "Jimbo" Bradley sadly passed away on Monday 2nd August 2021 .
Swap-meet this Sunday 8th August
We will be holding the Swap-meet Boot-sale this comming Sunday the 8th at our Stickfast flying site .
The forcast is not the best but if its just showers then we should be ok.
The previous storms predicted on the day were a non event and we could have gone ahead but hey ho .
If Weather is really bad then obviously dont bother but if its just showers then we will go ahead.
Everyone welcome . No need to book Just turn up
Set up from 9 am starts at 10 am
Hope to see you all there
PS . Dont forget ALL proceeds gpo to the Air Ambulance so please come along and help us support them
Please try to attend and tell you friends and help us help the Air Ambulance
Work party this coming Sunday 13th June
As per title we are having a work party this coming Sunday 13th June . starting at 10 ish .
PS Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
Is anyone there .........................?
A plea for club instructors .
Hi all. As per title . We need fixed wing instructors to help with new members .